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Devon County

Devonshire Rgt.

Directory Listings





Parish Records




War Memorials


By the end of 1640, King Charles I had become very unpopular.  Parliament forced him to make changes in the Constitution which gave them a bigger say in how the country was governed. From then on, Parliament was split into two factions - Royalists (Cavaliers) who supported the King and Parliamentarians (Roundheads) who wanted political and religious reform.


On 3 May 1641, every Member of the House of Commons was ordered to make a declaration of loyalty to the crown. This was ratified next day by the House of Lords. They called it their Protestation against " an arbitrarie and tyrannical government" and another order was made that every Rector, Churchwarden and Overseer of the Poor had to appear in person before the JPs in their Hundred to make this Protestation Oath in person. It was to  be a declaration of their belief in the" Protestant religion, allegiance to the King and support for the rights and privileges of Parliament".


They then had to go back home to their own parish where any two of them were to require the same oath of allegiance from all males over the age of 18. The names of all who refused to make the oath were to be noted and assumed to be Catholics.


We have, in the Devon Protestation Returns, a set of amazing documents - something akin to a census even though no women or children are named.  A transcription is available in the West Country Studies Library in Exeter.


The Protestation Returns are arranged by parish.

Bishop's Nympton belonged to the Hundred of  Witheridge

The original spelling has been preserved

Giles Abbotte William Garleforde John Quantick
Edward Allen William Gill Robert Quick
Gregory Allen Robert Gosse Samuel Quick
Henry Allen Sylvester Gosse Andrew Quicke
John Allen William Gosse George Rackley
Thomas Allen David Hall Philip Rackley
William Allen Robert Heale William Rackley
John Amory sen. Gent Robert Heale jun.  Nicholas Reed
John Amory jun, Gent John Helier Solomon Roberts
John Amory George Hill Edward Rowdon
Edward Baker Philip Hill Constantine Sage
Stephen Beareman Robert Hill Edmund Sander
Anthony Blackemore Thomas Hill George Sander
Hugh Blackemore Nicholas Hooper Hugh Sander
John Blackemore John Horndell John Sander sen.
John Blackemore Robert Hunt John Sander jun
Thomas Blackemore Gent George Keene William Sander
Walter Blackemore John Kemp sen. Henry Sanger
Baldwin Bowdon John Kempe jun,  Christopher Selley
John Bowdon of Knowle Anthony Kerslake William Shapcott
John Bowdon in the town Martin Kingdon Giles Skynner
Michael Bowdon Henry Loosemore Thomas Skynner
Philip Bowdon John Loosemore John Smart
Stephen Bowdon Peter Loosemore John Smyth
Nathaniel Britton Andrew Maning John Squire
Philip Bowdon Edmund Maning Lewis Stick
Stephen Bowdon  John Marley Charles Stock
Nathaniel Britton Thomas Marley sen Henry Tappe jun.
Philip Broadmede Thomas Marley jun.  Hugh Tappe
John Brownescombe Zachary Mildon John Tappe sen
Richard Buckingham Henry Mole John Tappe jun 
John Budd Roger Moleford Esq. Nicholas Tappe
Philip Bulworthy Thomas Moore Philip Tappe
William Bulworthy William Moore Richard Tappe
Ralph Burges Andrew Morrice William Tappe
Peter Chilcocke  John Morrice John Thomas jun.
Alexander Chilcott Philip Morrice sen. Henry Thorne sen
William Chilcotte Philip Morrice jun.  Henry Thorne jun
Anthony Churiton Walter Morrice John Thorne
Nicholas Cleapitt Philip Mosse Roger Thorne
Philip Clotworthy Henry Murlis Thomas Thorne
George Crang Henry Myldon Zachary Thorne
Henry Crang John Myldon John Tomme
Robert Davy Thomas Mylton Anthony Towle
Robert Downe James Notte Hugh Towle jun
George Eame Richard Palmer John Towle sen.
English Eames John Pasmore John Towle jun.
Christopher Eastmond John Pearse Caleb Uppons
John Eastmond sen. John Pepper William Venner
Christopher Eastmond Richard Pester Christopher Vicary
John Eastmond sen.  John Pincombe sen Daniel Vicary
John Eastmond jun.  John Pincombe jun. John Vicary sen.
John Eastmond William Pincombe sen. John Vicary jun
Henry Fooke William Pincombe jun. John Vicary
John Fooke John Pollard Joshua Vicary
John Fooke Philip Pollard Daniel Warren
John Fooke jun.  Henry Pyne sen Henry Warren
John Fooke jun,  Henry Pyne jun John Warren
John Garleforde John Pyne Richard Webber
Richard Garleforde Richard Pyne ----

John Bowden of Weeke, Edmund Sander, Hugh Towle and George Vicary, being indebited, could not take the protestation

John Conyber - Minister

John Sander = constable

John Smyth - Constable

John Tappe - Churchwarden

Baldwin Bowdon - Churchwarden

John Eastmond - Overseer

Robert Neale - Overseer

Henry Sanger - Overseer

John Houndell - Overseer

(All the above in the same hand)


* For many centuries, Devon was divided into 32 administrative districts or Hundreds for land tax purpose.



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